Day 1 of training was fine. was a little boring as there were loads of admin stuff to settle. got my staff no. which sucked.
i forsee that next week will be fun as grooming sessions are up next...

he went to guang hua computer street and left me to walk around some shopping malls nearby.
after about 2-3hours, we met up again and made our way to Dan Shui

we had a quick meal at dan shui old street and off we went to catch the sunset

however, when we arrived at Yu Ren Ma Tou, the sun had kinda already set =(
lesson learnt : sun sets at abour 5pm in taiwan.
went to get our portriat drawn. went for supper then back to the hotel to sleep.
day 6 was the only day it rained. but it did not affect us as we had planned to go to the recording studio to watch Guess x3 LIVE!!!!
as guest, we had t0 be there at about 12noon while the recording only started at 2pm???
the whole recording took about 6hours. by the time it ended, it had already turned dark.

Jacky really has a big head and is really funny. AiYa is quite friendly...

one of the guest for that episode was SHE!!! however, we only manage to capture these shots of them as they were moving constantly and their manager kept stopping us from taking pictures of them =(

as day 6 was not tt 'happening', on day 7, went woke up early and head over to the Sun Yat Sun Memorial Hall
i don't know what came over me. but i leaped on Mr. Sun's lap and made BF take a pic of me. only after that when i saw the 'security' guard walking towards my direction, then i realised that maybe its not allowed?? as Sun Yat Sun is someone the taiwanese respect alot??
haha... oh wells, picture taken and i've already sat on his lap..
at night, we ate at Modern Toilet.

toilet themed restaurant...

even the plates, bowls, cups are all in accordance to the theme...

and off to the airport...
as the flight was delayed slightly, due to not so' efficient staff at the check-in counters, we had to rush to the aircraft immediately after checking-in..
hence, meals were bought on the plane. i forgot what we ate.
(but its not so nice though the plates are empty...)
and we finally touched down at singapore changi airport at 11pm++
days seem to pass so quickly when we are enjoying...
wonder when's the next holiday...
doubt it'll be anytime soon...
*off for mahjong yet again!!!
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