at times i feel like i'm the luckiest girl on earth.
yet, at times, i feel like just disappearing into tin air.
i don't know why some things has become the way it has become.
is it due to being so used to? or am i just expecting too much.
am i the only one working to make everything work??
putting in all the effort while the other just reaping the rewards i sowed??
i don't wish to feel this way. i don't want to think this way.
please let me think otherwise.
many separate issues has caused me to feel this way.
i learnt complaining / whining does not help. hence, keeping quiet is what i do.
though i may not voice them out, or i may seem ok with all those actions, I'M NOT.
there are so many feelings inside me.
yet, i cant put them into words............
Dinner @ Cafe 211
my dinners are mostly spent on the plane, with BF, with my besties from sec school, or my buddies from shatec..
dinner @ cafe 211 was with these ppl...
need i say more???
quoted from lurffiee's blog
however, i felt that the food was not bad...
i don't know whether me being hungry makes the food taste better or i have a 'not so choosy' taste buds.
crunchy. juicy. oily
but i like...
main course...
as usual, company was great..
grams, gek, lurffiee and i head on down to frolick...

frozen yogurt wonder...
99% love love since lurffiieee and i shared a cup..
plans to meet BF later on. for dinner?? or just walking ard...
pls do not call me for duties...
bkk updates another day...
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